A message from the ECG Chair, Dr Devan Raindi

Happy New Year to all members! I hope you are all keeping well. As incoming Chair of the ECG, I would like to thank my predecessor, Mitul Shah, as well as the previous Committee for their hard work to date.

I am excited and honoured to Chair a Committee of extremely talented and approachable individuals who are already putting forward excellent ideas to progress the Society and involve all its members. We are making plans for the ECG social event at the BSP Conference in Birmingham in October 2023 as well as an ECG Hands-On Masterclass in 2024.

I know first-hand how the Society can support you in the early stages of your career, irrespective of age. For this reason, please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any feedback or ideas on how we can best serve you. I look forward to meeting many ofyou over the coming year – don’t be afraid to come and say hi!