Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines

Following on from the joint statement we shared regarding World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022, we wanted to bring to your attention the synopsis of the FGDP/FDS antimicrobial prescribing guidance for use at chairside which was published recently.

Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines gives clear, simple and practical guidance on the use of antimicrobials in the management of oral and dental infections: when (and when not) to prescribe, what to prescribe (where indicated), for how long and at what dosage - or when to make an urgent referral. It was developed by the Faculty of General Dental Practice (now College of General Dentistry) and the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Practitioners should refer to Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines for full wordings, recommendations for other conditions, second choice antimicrobials, dosages for children and hospital patients, consideration of medically compromised patients, and guidance on prophylactic prescribing for the prevention of local and distant site infections.

The chairside guide can be downloaded here:

Further information on this importnat topic can be obtained from the College of General Dentistry website: Antimicrobial prescribing in dentistry – College of General Dentistry (