Proposals for provisional registration for overseas-qualified dentists

The government has today announced that it intends to legislate to create a new category of provisional registration for dentists qualified overseas. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has issued a public consultation asking for views by 16 May 2024. 

The legislative changes proposed by DHSC are the essential first step in delivering provisional registration, but they are only the first step. There is much to be done to design the processes which will allow provisional registration to work safely and effectively. Successful implementation will be a substantial task and will depend on close collaboration across the dental sector and across the four nations of the UK.

We fully support the new possibilities provisional registration will open up. But the absolute priority will remain that patients and the public can be confident that the treatment they receive is provided by a dental professional who is properly trained and qualified and who meets our standards.  Standards to be provisionally registered and practise under supervision must meet these expectations. 

Stefan Czerniawski, Executive Director, Strategy, said:

“It’s good to see DHSC acting quickly to make the legislative changes necessary to allow for provisional registration.

“That will be the first step towards the biggest single change to dental regulation for many years. We need to move at pace but not lose sight of the fundamental requirement to protect patients and ensure that they receive high quality dental care. As we work towards the introduction of provisional registration, we will ensure that our standards continue to be met and that provisional registrants receive the support they need to practise safely and to prepare for the transition to full registration.” 

You will find the consultation for provisional registration online.

The deadline for responses is 16 May 2024.